You Care Too Much!
When I was in my early teens, my mother said to me, “You care too much!” She went on to warn me that it would cause me to be hurt someday. She had endured the harsh challenges of the depression and feared I would not be resilient enough for what may come.
“I’d rather care too much and be hurt than to do otherwise,” I replied.
Mom never broached the subject with me again. Perhaps she realized (1) I was too obstinate to change, or (2) being able to care is really the only weapon and shield we have to face the harsh realities of a challenging world.
Voting Shows You Care
When we care we focus on our goals, engage in the workings of our existence, and generate the passions we need to live. To not care is the path taken to forfeit any opportunity to make a difference, to appreciate the world in which we live, and to value our existence. It is the path toward our own demise.
So how do we show we care? There are many ways, of course. Showing concern for others is one example. Providing service and using our skills and talents for causes greater than ourselves are other examples of our caring attitudes.
Perhaps one of the smallest gestures we can make to show we care is to vote. I say smallbecause it takes mere minutes to check a ballot. Of course, it also requires we pay attention to issues and candidates. It means we need to evaluate, by whatever means suits us, preferred options versus others. So, yes, voting does require time and a bit of attentive investment. Still, checking the ballot is a relatively small gesture of caring.
Midterms Gives Us Opportunity To Care
In a few short weeks we’ll be voting in the midterm elections. Midterms are notoriously famous for low voter turnouts. Given that you’re reading this blog I can probably safely assume you will be one of the few who will vote. Who do you know (family, friends, neighbors) who will not? Who do you know will show by their voting reluctance that they don’t care?
By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy.
(Sir William Osler– a founding professor of Johns Hopkins Hospital)
Certainly, some do not vote because of an inability to do so, such as personal tragedies or instances of voter suppression. Still, the nation will have an opportunity in a few days to vote, to show it cares.
Voting Is A Multi-Purpose Product
It’s important to consider what voting, this kind of caring, really does. Voting provides us with three basics: Fuel, Lubricant, and Medicinal Balm. Let me explain.
Voting reveals the sentiment of the governed. It is the Fuel that keeps democracy running. Voting, such as on issues, inform our legislators what we value and the priorities these issues have in our lives. Without such information—this fuel—our leaders must guessfrom a woefully limited perspective.
Voting for candidates running for public office provides theLubricant needed to keep the machinery of governance running smoothly. We elect legislators for multiple reasons. We prefer their perspectives. We respect their intelligence. We recognize they are leaders and capable of working with others to get things done. Many factors are used to aid us in making our voting selections. Voting legislators into office keep the gears of governance turning smoothly.
At times our country is politically divided such that there is much pain and abuse experienced by many. The country becomes wounded. Such times especially require that we vote—that we care—to apply a Medicinal Balm to heal the nation. It’s challenging to vote at times like these, but we must in order to call forth the weapon and shield we need for a harsh and challenging world. We must vote to help pull people together, not divide them, and to collectively build a better future.
Voting Is A Responsibility
In a few short weeks we will have the opportunity to vote and to momentarily show we care. We must not shirk this responsibility!
In two years we will again cast our ballots to select a president. Again, we must do so to reveal what and whom we care about. Sadly, we can expect about 46% (the average from the previous 15 elections) of the presidential ballots to not count. The winner-takes-all approach forfeits thesegestures of caringbefore they can be translated into electoral votes in the Electoral College.
Equal Voice Voting Invites Us To Care
Equal Voice Voting needs to be considered by every state to ensure all votes count! It is the only mechanism that will allow the ingenious Electoral College to serve us as our Founding Fathers intended. It is the only approach that will truly engage all voters, making every vote count and every state matter.
I urge you to vote during these midterm elections. I further urge you to let your state legislators realize that Equal Voice Voting can allow every voter show they care.
The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.
(Thomas Jefferson– 3rdU.S. President and Principal author of the Declaration of Independence)