A Season of Gift Giving And Thanksgiving

The Gift of Union

Recently, I was made aware of a small book by Jack Weatherford entitled, “Indian Givers.” While the title may be off-putting, it points to how our nation was founded on a great gift from the Iroquois. Chief Canassatego, in 1744, advised our nation’s leaders of how best to govern. His advice was to have our nation of colonies speak as one nation. Instead of a collection of 13 colonies. He advised we become these United States.

Today, we have a collection of 50 states. Together we pledge allegiance to one flag and elect one president to lead. Our national currency echoes the sentiment with our national motto of e pluribus unum (out of many, one).

The urging for us to speak with one voice is truly a gift. It shapes this vast and great nation as a republic, a collection of independent states working and living together as one. In a single stroke the diversity of our nation and its peoples are embraced and honored.

Iroquois Chief Canassatego

The Gift of Repair

Our national governance has also been referred to as a great experiment. When formed, it was unique in that governing power was vested in the people. Further, as an experiment, our Constitution allows for our continued governing evolution.

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing in his “Democracy in America” in 1835, said, “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”

Certainly, it is easy to point out our weaknesses and the failings of our nation. Some delight in doing so. But we have the gift of repair! We are able to change what we must for our collective improvement. We need not be satisfied with shortcomings but can (and must) aspire to reach for our brighter future.

Alexis de Tocqueville

The Gift of Experiment

It is widely accepted that the mechanism for electing our nation’s president is not serving us well. Many approaches seek to address the concerns surrounding this issue. However, they are difficult to adopt given the 50 independent states of our nation.

We have yet a third gift to acknowledge. We have the latitude to experiment. Each state governs independently for the good of its own citizens. Each state can vote for our nation’s president in its own way as long as it adheres to the Electoral College. Maine and Nebraska are examples of such experiments.

Equal Voice Voting offers an opportunity for any individual state to use a better voting method. It counts every vote cast within a state, effectively exercising the Electoral College, to elicit a voting voice for all of its citizenry. Out of many, one (voice).

Learn more about Equal Voice Voting and share the idea with those you know. Contact your state legislators to let them know you want Equal Voice Voting to work for you and your state.

Be among those who give your state the gift of making every vote count! And be thankful we live in a nation wherein we can make such changes.